Pilates Exercises
Beauty Fitness Lifestyle

Take Pilates Classes for the Amazing Benefits of Pilates

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could get a strong and lean body without having to hit the gym for hours on end? Well, the good news is that you do not always need to lift weights for a strong, toned body. Attend Pilates sessions at any of the gyms and fitness centers near home or office. You can also perform a Pilates exercises at home, and all you need is a yoga mat. Join FITPASS and attend Pilates classes at hundreds of gyms and fitness centers in your city.

Attending Pilates classes not only tone your muscles but strengthen your body and increase your core flexibility as well. A Pilates workout comprises precisely curated moves and breathing techniques for the best results. Before we go ahead, let us see what Pilates is


What is Pilates?

Pilates is a workout routine based on a set of controlled movements and exercises that improve physical strength, posture, and flexibility. These exercises condition your core and build stronger, sculpted muscles without adding bulk. As a result, you get a sleek body. Moreover, Pilates exercises improve your body posture by strengthening your abs and back.

There are 2 types of Pilates routines:

1. Mat-based

2. Equipment-based (usually found in studios)

Pilates Benefits

Anyone can do Pilates exercises

It can be done by men and women – young or old. Age and physical abilities are no bar in the Pilates world. There is no dearth of Pilates exercises, and they have several modifications, which means that a Pilates workout can be curated to individual needs, be it a professional athlete or a beginner.

Pilates classes work your core

The main purpose of a Pilates class is to strengthen the core, which is one of the most important areas of the body. Pilates exercises work the arms and legs as well. The exercises are based on positions and movements that activate the core along with your arms and legs.

Pilates exercises improve posture

The purpose of Pilates classes is to connect the body and mind to increase the overall awareness of body movements. The pilates exercises improve the alignment of the pelvis and spine, which improves the way you stand, walk, run, etc.

Pilates classes improve energy levels

Pilates exercises focus on breathing, just like yoga classes. You will learn to breathe more deeply by attending Pilates classes that improve the oxygen levels in your body, thereby improving your energy levels. You will feel peaceful, relaxed, energized, and de-stressed after a Pilates class.

Pilates creates a connection between mind & body

Pilates classes require a lot of focus and concentration for you to improve your alignments. The breathing techniques connect the body and mind and improve coordination, which is necessary not only while working out but in daily activities as well.

Pilates exercises improve balance

Pilates focuses on the core, which is responsible for the overall balance of the body. The movements in Pilates classes work the small and deep muscles in your core and, thus, stabilize it.

Easy Pilates Exercises for Beginners

1. Glute Bridge

2. Lying Leg Extension

3. Side-lying Leg Lift

4. Back Extension

5. Deadlift Upright Row

6. Goal-post Lift

7. Lying Windshield Wiper

Try these 7 Pilates routines for beginners to reap the benefits of Pilates workout at home.

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