Why Should You Wear Proper Shoes for Running or Working Out
Fitness Health & Wellness

Why Should You Wear Proper Shoes for Running or Working Out?

The quality of your sport shoes is crucial for any workout, whether you are running or going to the gym. Unsuitable footwear can lead to injuries and derail your athletics career, fitness journey, or weight loss goals. Apart from cushioning your feet from ankle and foot damage, a good shoe improves your training experience. Let’s explore the benefits of wearing a proper running shoe.

Qualities of Good Running Shoes

With many brands designing marathon shoes, finding suitable footwear can be confusing. Here are the qualities of an excellent running shoe:

Proper Cushioning

Running and high-impact workouts are hard on your feet, ankles, and joints. Without proper cushioning, the impact can lead to injuries or extreme pain after intense training. Therefore, your running shoes should have enough cushioning to prevent severe foot-to-ground impact. You can get proper cushioning by assessing your running biomechanics and foot type.

Excellent Fit

Your running shoes must provide the best fit with no room for movement, except a bit of wiggle room for your big toe. For the best size, you should fit your shoe in the evening. Most people have bigger feet later in the day due to swelling. The shoe should also be lightweight to avoid adding extra weight during training.


Your shoes should dissipate sweat quickly to avoid wet feet when you are training. Breathable shoes ensure your feet are cool and dry, reducing any chances of infection.


The best running shoes should allow you to adjust to various running surfaces. That is why workout shoes have laces or adjustable straps in case you need to tighten the fit.


A running shoe should be stable to control your ankle motion. Stability is vital during high-impact exercises to avoid falling off or losing your footing. Shoes with a high heel will be uncomfortable during running, and you can topple over if you lose your footing.

Benefits of Good Workout Shoes

Provides Extra Support and Stability

Workout shoes are designed with cushioning to provide added protection compared to regular shoes. For instance, proper running shoes can fix overpronation when your feet roll inwards, causing misalignment of knees, shin splints, and bunions. A good shoe reduces stress on your knee that can cause knee pains. The added pressure on your knee often results from your foot rolling outward and putting strain on your ligaments and bones.

Adds Midsole Protection and Arch Support

Cushioning is the most important quality in workout shoes. The added midsole protection in quality shoes allows them to absorb the foot-to-ground impact and reduces injuries. Therefore, if your shoe has a softer midsole, you will have less protection. If your feet are flat, you need to support your foot’s arches to avoid injuries during workouts. A quality shoe will provide adequate arch support, preventing stress fractures, joint pain, and tendonitis.

Improved Athletic Performance

Wearing the ideal shoe for your workout training motivates you to work harder and improves your athletic performance. Good running shoes provide comfort and reduce pain during road or off-road exercise, enhancing your running capacity and endurance. Besides, the reduced risk of injuries means you don’t have to waste time recovering from a foot injury. You will train consistently and achieve your fitness goals faster.

Economy of Energy

Running with your old sports shoes or other heavy footwear requires extra energy since the shoes may be heavy. Besides, the ground-to-foot impact can be unbearable after a few laps slowing you down, and you will need extra energy to catch up with your goals. However, proper running or workout shoes economize your energy since they require minimal effort. That means you can conserve energy to do extra laps or run a few more kilometers. The added cushioning in your footwear makes running seamless. Without the cushioning that absorbs ground impact, your body uses more leg muscles, which depletes your energy reserves fast.


Whether you are a professional athlete or run to keep your weight in check, you need suitable shoes for your workout sessions. They are well-constructed to provide extra support and cushioning for intense training. Hence, having a pair can improve your training outcomes and put you a step closer to your goals.

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