How to get rid of Pimples
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How to get rid of Pimples and Acne Naturally

With these 5 natural and effective methods to remove pimples, you can undoubtedly say goodbye to these annoying formations once and for all.

Surely we agree on something:

There is nothing more annoying than discovering pimples on our face.

The good news is that it is possible to remove pimples through natural methods, that is, without resorting to expensive and harmful pharmacological treatments.

In this post, you will discover the 5 most effective and healthy natural methods to achieve it.

What are Pimples

what are pimples

The natural process of our body causes the skin to regenerate every approximately 28 days. This process causes the remains of dead cells on the skin, which make it look off.

It is also normal, because of these impurities, that black spots, pimples, and fat appear on the skin. These occur when fat, dead skin, dirt, and bacteria are trapped in the hair follicles. All this stays below the surface of the skin.

They are elements that clog pores and prevent the skin from regenerating normally. Also, they are not primarily aesthetic.

Particularly in the face, these types of impurities are readily apparent. Although they can be concealed with makeup, the fundamental issue is not only aesthetic: but to take care of the health of the skin.

Prevent Pimples

Prevent PimplesThe truth is that there is a genetic issue in the appearance of pimples that is quite difficult to counteract. But it is also true that many external factors influence its appearance.

Therefore, these are some things you can do regularly to prevent pimples or at least reduce the amount.

  1. Do not touch the beans when they appear.
  2. Wash your face two times a day.
  3. Avoid eating fatty or spicy foods.
  4. Avoid eating sugar, dairy, and fried foods, or at least significantly reduce their quantity.
  5. Drink more water (8 glasses a day recommended)
  6. Avoid makeup as much as possible.
  7. Exercise to maintain blood circulation and eliminate toxins.

Treat Pimples

Treat pimplesIf even doing all of the above appear pimples on your face, do not worry. It is possible that your face looks incredible, and that the skin of the face remains healthy and smooth, using different natural methods.

Here are some of the most effective.

A simple treatment to remove pimples with baking soda

The sodium bicarbonate acts as an acid or a base, so that can help neutralize any imbalance of the pH of the skin, which is a common cause of acne and pimples.

The sodium bicarbonate helps to dry the skin and remove excess oil, which is why black spots. Also, bicarbonate has mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which help reduce its size.

When baking soda blends with water, a thin, lumpy paste forms. Which helps cleanse and exfoliate the skin, as well as remove oil, dirt, and dead skin cells.

remove pimples with baking sodaIn this case, you just have to combine the baking soda with a little water:

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with two tablespoons of water to form a homogeneous paste.
  • Clean and dry your face carefully and then apply the baking soda paste on any pimple. If any of the pimples are open, you may feel a little burning.
  • Let the localized treatment act on the pimples for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Some people let baking soda work on the pimples overnight, but this can dry out the skin excessively, so be very careful. Moisturize your face after using this treatment.

If you have raw skin, be careful when using baking soda.

Bicarbonate can also dry the skin excessively and sometimes causes redness and irritation on sensitive skin.

Therefore, it might be a great idea to try this sodium bicarbonate therapy on a small area of ​​your feet before applying it to your face. If you feel any negative side effects, do not continue with the treatment.

Baking soda and orange, a more efficient solution

If you still want to get better results in a natural treatment for pimples, this mixture may be what you need.

In this recipe, the acidity of the orange closes the pores and nourishes and brightens the skin, while bicarbonate used as a natural scrub to eliminate all kinds of dirt.

Also, shedding allows the skin to breathe better and stimulates cellular oxygenation.

  • Mix a tablespoon of each ingredient to form a paste mixture. Keep in mind that orange juice must be natural.
  • Apply to the face (keep away from eyes)
  • Leave on for 15 minutes.
  • After that time, gently massage the face with the fingertips, to strengthen the exfoliating effect of the cream.
  • Rinse with water only

Steam method: no ingredients

steam Method

For this method, you will only need two things: water and a towel.

Apply steam to the face

Before applying steam on your face, you will have to wash it very well with water at room temperature, removing dirt, particles, and traces of makeup and grease that are on the skin.

Never apply steam on your face before washing it.

Fill the sink or bowl with hot water

You can take a steam bath using a clean bowl, sink, or other container filled with hot water.

Normally, the head and the sink or bowl are covered with a towel to form a kind of tent, trapping steam and heat inside. In this way, the skin softens and the pores open.

Keep your face on the steam for a period of 5 to 10 minutes

Relax and breathe deeply, enjoying the effect of steam. This procedure is prevalent in spas, as it also helps to unclog the nostrils and treat other respiratory problems.

You mustn’t apply steam for more than 10 minutes in a row or more than once or twice a week. Excess steam on the face may end up resecting it.

Wash your face with cold water

To reseal the pores, rinse your face with cold water and hydrate, using a natural moisturizing lotion.

It is important to use cold water to close the pores smoothly and naturally, avoiding any product with glycerin and alcohol, since these substances can be extremely irritating to sensitive skin.

Lemon, yogurt, and honey scrub

Lemon, yogurt and honey scrubExfoliation is the method by which an agent is affixed to the skin of the face to remove skin and dead cells accumulated over time. One of several homemade scrubs that you can use is lemon, yogurt, honey, and salt.

To prepare it, you must mix lemon juice, a tablespoon of salt, a tablespoon of yogurt, and some honey.

Rub circularly on your face and leave on for 3 minutes, then remove with warm water.

Milk and nutmeg scrub

Milk and nutmeg scrubThis is another homemade treatment, super-effective to remove pimples from the face.

You should mix a tablespoon of milk, preferably whey, and enough nutmeg to create a compact paste.

Rub gently on your face for 3 minutes and then remove with warm water.

Extra: Immersion bath with sodium bicarbonate

If you are facing acne problems on your back or chest, you can get the benefits of bathing with sodium bicarbonate.

1. Spread half a cup of baking soda in your warm water bath (do not use any bath foam) and stir with your hand so that the baking soda mixes with the water.

2. Immerse yourself in the bathtub and try to stay in the water for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse in the shower after the bath.

Baking soda will help prevent acne breakouts and minimize pimples on your back and chest.

Because your skin may dry out excessively, start by applying one application a day and then gradually increase the applications to 2 or 3 times a week, if necessary, or according to your doctor’s instructions.

If your skin gets dry or skinned, reduce the application to once a day or every other day.

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