Chiropractor Singapore
Fitness Health & Wellness

Chiropractor Singapore: When do You Need to See a Chiropractor?

Every year, a lot of people in Singapore see chiropractors for relief for different ailments. Chiropractor Singapore uses treatments, which include nutrition, manual therapy, and rehabilitation exercises, in addressing each patient’s situation. But what are chiropractors, and what do they do?

Chiropractor Singapore: What are is a chiropractic adjustment, and what do chiropractors do?

A chiropractic adjustment is another term used for a spinal adjustment. A spinal adjustment is an adjustment that is given to the spine by a trained specialist or a chiropractor. In some cases, they also perform manipulation to the spine.

Various methods can be used when performing adjustments. And while just about anyone can experience joint or muscle pain, that doesn’t automatically mean that they qualify for chiropractic care. Experts will have to screen patients to rule out any issues that would reveal as to why the patient may not be able to handle chiropractic care.

What are the different adjustment methods of chiropractic care?

Instruments and adjustments have proven to be one of the gentlest methods. They’re also among those treatments that don’t involve the thrusting of hands to target the area of pain in the spine. In some cases where patients need to undergo manipulation, they’ll need anesthesia – also known as the manipulation under anesthesia. 

There are also cases where the type of treatments patients should receive is necessary, but they can always have a say as to what kind of treatment they want to be done.

What do chiropractors do?

Chiropractors help treat people by aligning their spine with different manipulations. During your first visit, chiropractors perform a physical exam, take your health history, pay close attention to the spine, and determine whether or not your bone density is normal.

Those who have lower levels of bone density, like people suffering from osteoporosis, would receive gentler treatments. Chiropractor Singapore uses their hands in applying controlled, rapid force to an injured or damaged joint, allowing the joint to move normally and reduce inflammation and pain.

One common treatment is the high-velocity cervical adjustment, where patients relax their heads in the hands of the chiropractor, who thrusts their heads in one direction. Sometimes, this can create a cracking sound. Chiropractors also perform gentler, low-velocity cervical adjustments.

Chiropractors also help treat their patients for headaches caused by nerve irritation. Treatments alleviate these headaches and reduce their nerve irritation.

Chiropractor Singapore: What are the benefits and risks of chiropractic care?

Benefits of chiropractic care

A study published in 2008 showed the evaluation of chiropractic treatment experiences of 192 people with sciatica or back-related pains. 87% of the participants rated the treatment they received for pain as worthwhile.

Another study that was published in 2003 evaluated 183 patients who suffered from neck pain. They were assigned to receive treatment randomly, which involved spinal manipulations, physiotherapy, or care from a general practitioner. They kept cost diaries for one year. The study showed that spinal manipulations were far more effective and more cost-efficient compared to physiotherapy or care by a general practitioner.

Risks of chiropractic care

Chiropractors tout the treatment as the safest and the least invasive therapy for a lot of ailments. However, this treatment comes with risks, too. A study published in 2010 in Medscape showed that more than 2 dozen published deaths after receiving chiropractic treatments. The study also showed that a separate 1997 review of complications after receiving neck manipulation treatments included 177 cases where the patients were injured. In 32 instances, the injuries were fatal. The study concluded that the majority of the cases were associated with chiropractic treatment.

Consumers should remember that such deaths are rare, especially since there are a lot of people who undergo chiropractic care every year. Perhaps you should compare the risks of all potential treatments and then consider which are the most effective and safest one. A high-profile death that is associated with chiropractic care took place in 2016 – the death of the Playboy model Katie May. It was attributable to a stroke caused by a ruptured artery during chiropractic treatment – neck manipulation treatment, to be specific. 

In 2014, a scientific statement from the American Heart Association was released saying that getting your neck adjusted by an osteopathic doctor or a chiropractor can be linked to an increased risk of stroke. And while these risks are exceedingly low, even low risks can be unacceptable.

One thing is for sure: not all chiropractors are the same. There are a lot of good chiropractors in Singapore who have done great work with patients. Avoid forced manipulations of the neck because there’s a risk of injury to blood vessels.

When do you need to see a Chiropractor Singapore?

To avoid the risks, you should only see a chiropractor Singapore when necessary. Below are four signs you should see a chiropractor:

Low back pain

Chiropractors in Singapore have a lot of experience with treating back pains, particularly low back pains. They are trained to diagnose the specific causes of back pains and to perform effective therapies. These therapies may include prescriptions for ergonomic advice and exercise.

A chiropractor Singapore is dedicated to using conservative, non-surgical, and medication-free treatments. This is important because some physicians prescribe potentially-addictive opioids in treating back pains.

Neck pain

Whether you got your sore neck from sitting at your desk too much for from a whiplash injury, chiropractic treatment offers safe and effective ways of treatment. These include the following:

  • Gentle spinal manipulation
  • Lifestyle advice
  • Stretching exercises


Chronic neck stiffness and muscle tightness can cause many types of headaches. Chiropractors offer effective and drug-free treatment options, which include gentle neck manipulations.

Muscle and joint stiffness and pain

Although chiropractors are seen as spine experts, most of them can effectively treat nerve, muscle, and joint pain throughout the body. They can also treat carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, thoracic outlet syndrome, and hip, knee, or ankle pains.

People go to chiropractors for many reasons – some for minor and some for major reasons. Nonetheless, seeing a chiropractor Singapore has its benefits, but it also has risks. While the risks are exceedingly low, it’s best if you only see one when necessary.

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