6 Health Habits Every Woman Should Pick Up
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6 Health Habits Every Woman Should Pick Up

Maintaining a high level of health and wellness is beneficial for every woman, especially those who plan to start a family one day. If you are a woman thinking about getting pregnant after 35, it is doubly important that you start developing health habits that put you in the best health for reproduction. Taking high-quality fertility supplements for women and eating a healthy diet are two key aspects of caring for your reproductive health.

Explore six health habits every woman should consider adding into their daily routines to help improve their physical and mental health. Implementing these habits into your everyday life can positively affect your egg health and increase your chances of conceiving when you decide to have a child.

Schedule a Yearly Gynecologist Visit

For optimal health, consider visiting your gynecologist once a year. During your yearly exam, your gynecologist performs a pelvic exam. Every three to five years, they also conduct a pap smear screening to identify potential health issues such as cervical cancer. If you are thinking about becoming pregnant after 35, discuss these plans with your doctor. They can monitor your fertility levels and offer you advice on improving your chances of becoming pregnant. Your doctor can also address any concerns about infertility issues and refer you to a specialist if necessary.

Take Vitamins and Supplements

Most women can benefit from taking high-quality vitamins and supplements to improve their health. Despite a well-rounded diet, you may still experience common nutrient deficiencies in elements such as iron, iodine, vitamin D, and calcium. These nutrients are essential to your health and can be challenging to obtain from food sources alone.

When considering vitamins and supplements, choose quality, trusted brands that provide you with nutrients in their bioavailable forms. It is beneficial to take a clinical-grade complete prenatal vitamin specifically designed for use before, during, and after pregnancy if you are thinking about conception. Look for an option that contains nutrients like choline, vitamin A, vitamin D, and iron; these are essential to reproductive health.

Focus on Mental Health

Focus on Mental Health

One excellent health habit to start is to take care of your mental health. If you find yourself ignoring your emotions or dealing with stress in unhealthy ways, seeking emotional care through therapy or support groups can improve your wellbeing. High levels of stress are associated with infertility issues. If you face stress related to fertility treatments like IVF, egg freezing, or hormone therapy, find a way to care for your mental health. Anxiety, depression, fear, and sadness can lower your quality of life. They can also continue the feedback loop between stress and infertility, making it more difficult for you to conceive.

Turn Off Social Media

Limiting your time on social media is a health habit that can improve your mental and physical health. According to one systematic review of studies regarding social media and its effect on mental health, prolonged use of social apps increases anxiety, stress and depression symptoms.

A study cited in the review reported a 70% increase in self-reported depressive symptoms from social media participants. These findings indicate that turning off social media is beneficial to your mental health.

Social media use also promotes a more sedentary lifestyle, which can add to difficulties with weight management. If you struggle with a condition like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), maintaining a healthy weight is vital for improving fertility. Turning off social media can find the time and mental energy for other activities, such as walking or taking a yoga class. This can improve your quality of life and your chances of conception.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet is an essential habit for all women. A healthy diet that consists of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats can lower your chances of developing chronic conditions like type two diabetes or heart disease. The healthy diet helps keep your brain and body functioning optimally, improving endocrine function and digestion.

A healthy diet is also linked to improved fertility. Processed foods, sugary foods, red meat, and foods that contain high levels of trans fats are associated with a higher level of infertility. If you are trying to conceive, adopting a healthy diet and nutritional habits that eliminate these foods is ideal for conception. As you develop healthy eating habits, consider adding foods high in nutrients associated with fertility like CoQ10/ubiquinol. CoQ10 is found in foods like salmon, tuna and whole grains. If you find it challenging to get enough of this nutrient, you can boost your levels with a quality CoQ10 fertility supplement.

Stay Physically Active

Stay Physically Active

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), all women can benefit from moderate exercise. Moderate exercise is defined as 30 minutes of moderately intense activity like brisk walking or about 15 minutes of more intense activity like jogging. By engaging in this type of exercise a few times per week, you can lower your risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. You can also maintain healthy muscles, bones, and weight and improve your mental health.

Many modifiable factors complicate the relationship between physical activity and fertility. However, research indicates that light to moderate exercise is likely beneficial for women who want to conceive, especially those who are overweight or obese. Vigorous activity can adversely impact fertility, so it is important not to overdo it when adopting a healthy physical lifestyle. If you want to incorporate a healthy level of physical activity into your day, aim to walk at a brisk pace for about 30 minutes per day. If possible, do this up to five times per week. You can also add low-intensity strength training exercises like bicep curls, squats, and push-ups or take a beginner’s yoga class.

Start Healthy Habits for Improved Fertility

Every woman needs to adopt good habits for her health. If you are a woman thinking about getting pregnant after 40, it is vital to implement practices that improve your reproductive health and reduce the stress associated with fertility issues. Begin integrating these healthy habits into your life as soon as possible. Doing so can promote better overall health and increase your chances of conception going forward.

Incorporating these habits won’t just boost your health; it will also improve your energy levels and overall wellbeing. Remember, consistency is key! #WomensHealth #HealthyHabits #SelfCare


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