tips to protect your hair if you're a daily swimmer
Beauty Haircare Lifestyle

Tips to Protect Your Hair If You’re a Daily Swimmer

If you have a fibreglass pool at home, then you may want to go swimming in it often. Homeowners with pools often use their pool as a place to exercise while also cooling down during the summer. With the pool season approaching, you could be rearing up to swim daily.

While swimming does provide excellent physical and mental health benefits, it can also negatively affect your hair. Saltwater pools tend to be easier on the hair than chlorine-based pools. But chlorine pools are also more common. Even if your fibreglass pool, installed by Newcastle Pool Builders, is a saltwater pool, you should still consider building a special hair care routine for the pool season.

Here are some tips on how you can maintain your hair if you want to go swimming regularly:

Rinsing your hair before and after entering the pool

Hair tends to be absorbent, not unlike a sponge. When your hair is dry, it ends up absorbing any liquid that is present around it. When you go swimming in your fibreglass pool, this can result in the chlorinated water in your pool being absorbed by your hair.

This chlorinated water has the effect of stripping away any natural oils present in your hair. These natural oils usually coat and protect the shiny layer of your hair. This layer is also known as the cuticle. With the natural oils depleted, your hair strands are left cracked and dry to the touch.

But there is something you can do to prevent this from happening. You can make your hair less absorbent by making it wet before you enter the pool. Anytime you’re about to go swimming, always remember to use clean water to thoroughly rinse your hair first. Since your hair is already wet with water that is chlorine free, it will take longer for the chemicals in your pool to penetrate into your hair and damage it.

This also applies to the skin. Before you go swimming, consider standing under the shower for a few minutes to protect your skin and your hair.

Using natural oils

The chlorine in the pool water will attack natural oils in your hair. To counter this, consider applying other natural oil products to your hair. You can add coconut oil or olive oil to your hair. This will add an extra layer of protection to your hair.

Olive oil, in particular, is rich in antioxidants, as well as Vitamin E and A. This natural oil can help you protect the keratin that’s present in your hair. Keratin is a protein that’s present both in the hair as well as the skin. Coconut oil also presents various benefits for the skin and the hair. It has a high concentration of fatty acids, which can moisturize your scalp and hair. If you want to apply natural oils to your hair daily, coconut oil is also cheaper than olive oil.

Pool water shouldn’t be left in your hair

Chlorinated water will continue to damage your hair even after you leave your fibreglass pool. If you don’t thoroughly wash your hair, the chemicals in the pool water will continue to be in your hair throughout the day. This will result in your hair drying out and the strands in your hair cracking.

Anytime you leave your pool, you should first wash your hair using a clarifying shampoo. Then, rinse your hair using clean water for at least five minutes. Remember that a clarifying shampoo isn’t exactly easy on the hair. So you should only use a small amount of this shampoo when you rinse out your hair.

Buy a conditioner designed for swimmers

Maybe you don’t want to use food-based oils on your hair. If this is the case, there are other products you can opt for, which are designed to protect your hair while swimming. Before entering your fibreglass pool, apply some hydrating conditioner to your hair.

Ideally, you should opt for a conditioner that has dimethicone. Coat the stands of your hair well with your conditioner, to provide it with a defensive barrier. You should condition your hair after you leave the pool as well.

Consider using a deep conditioning mask when you’re shampooing your hair after swimming. You can also use a leave-in conditioner. This will help you to keep your hair hydrated. As a result, your hair isn’t damaged any further.

Use a swimming cap

Natural oils and hydrating conditioners are only temporary solutions that help you protect your hair. However, once you go swimming, they won’t last for a long period of time in the water. Are you someone who is serious about going swimming every day? Then you’ll need to ensure that the chlorinated pool water doesn’t come in contact with your hair.

One way you can make this happen is if you use a swimming cap. Your swimming cap should be able to accommodate all your hair. If you have long hair, then you can purchase swimming caps meant exactly for such hair. Your swimming cap should also be tough enough to prevent the chlorinated pool water from coming into contact with your hair.

But just using a pool cap or just applying natural oils before you enter your fibreglass pool isn’t the right solution. You’ll need to combine all the tips presented in this guide, to effectively take care of your hair.


If you want to go swimming every day, then you need to take extra precautions to protect your hair. This is as chlorine that’s present in pool water can be harmful to your hair. Before you enter your pool and when you leave it, you’ll need to wet your hair using clean water. You should also apply natural oils and conditioners to your hair. Ensure that you wear a swim cap over your hair when you go swimming.

Doing just one of these won’t be enough. You’ll need to use all the tips mentioned in this guide to protect your hair.

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