How to Deal with Persistent Depressive Disorder
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How to Deal with Persistent Depressive Disorder?

Persistent Depressive Disorder is also known popularly as dysthymia, which is a form of depression. Although the condition is considered to be less severe than a depression, it can present challenges. Through platforms like The Human Condition, you can learn more about this disorder and how to deal with it.

What Are the Main Symptoms of Persistent Depressive Disorder?

The symptoms of dysthymia are pretty similar to major depressive disorder. The individual loses interest in normal daily activities, feels hopeless, and has low self-esteem. With dysthymia, these symptoms may last for years and interfere with interpersonal relationships and work.

Those with persistent depression may be described as having a gloomy personality, always having a bad mood, or simply being incapable of having fun. When dealing with depressive disorder, a person may find it challenging to be happy or upbeat. Although this form of depression is often considered less severe than major depression, its persistent nature may make it challenging to deal with the symptoms.

In children, the symptoms of persistent depressive disorder may also include low or depressed mood and irritability.

What Helps with Symptoms of Persistent Depressive Disorder?

By its nature, the symptoms of the depressive disorder come and go over the years. However, their intensity may change over time. The symptoms stay for at least 2 months at a time. In some cases, the individual may experience “double depression,” that is, the symptoms of dysthymia and a major depressive episode will occur simultaneously.

For persistent depressive disorder, the most effective treatment can be a combination of talk therapy or psychotherapy and medication. If you feel that you have been dealing with symptoms of persistent depressive disorder, you can talk to your healthcare provider to determine what would be a suitable treatment for you.

Do Medications Help with Persistent Depressive Disorder?

Prescription drugs like antidepressants can help with relieving depression. Mostly, such drugs fall into two broad categories:

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)

The effectiveness of medications may vary from person to person. However, you may need to take your medication for at least a month before noticing any changes. Ensure that you follow your healthcare provider’s instructions when taking your medicine and continue to take them until advised otherwise.

Can You Prevent Persistent Depressive Disorder?

Preventing persistent depressive disorder may be difficult, as it often starts during childhood or early teenage years. However, some practice may help reduce the severity of the disorder or make it easier to deal with it.

  • Take some steps to control stress, which may help increase your resilience and boost your self-esteem.
  • Consider reaching out to friends, family, or others that you can count on; they can help you through some rough times.
  • When you notice your symptoms worsening, consider getting help as soon as possible.
  • Try to talk to your healthcare provider about some long-term maintenance techniques that may help prevent relapse in the future.

Understanding your condition, with the help of websites such as The Human Condition, can help you develop effective coping strategies.

What are the Key Risk Factors of Developing Persistent Depressive Disorder?

According to research, certain factors may increase the risk of developing a persistent depressive disorder. They are:

  • A family history of major depressive disorder or other depressive disorders
  • Experiencing traumatic or stressful life events, especially during early childhood or teenage years, such as losing a loved one or financial problems.
  • Having a history of other critical mental health disorders, which may include personality disorder
  • Having a tendency towards low self-esteem, being critical of oneself, negative disposition, and low moods

What Is the Scope for People with Persistent Depressive Disorder?

Psychotherapy and medication can help relieve the symptoms of persistent depressive disorders to a great extent. However, this disorder may persist throughout one’s life. Websites such as The Human Condition can help you and your family understand this disorder better.

With a clear understanding of depressive disorder, it is not only easier to deal with the disorder but also easier for your loved ones to know how they can help. Although the symptoms may persist throughout one’s life, getting the correct treatment can make this condition more manageable.

For those who may be dealing with persistent depressive disorder, getting help can be immensely helpful. Speaking to your healthcare provider and mental health experts can help you get the correct treatment. In addition, with websites such as The Human Condition, you can learn how you can cope with this disorder and take the right counsel when needed.

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