Top 5 Reasons To Expand Your Sterling Silver Jewelry Collection Now
Beauty Celebrities/Gossips Fashion Lifestyle

Top 5 Reasons To Expand Your Sterling Silver Jewelry Collection Now

Since time immemorial, silver has been associated with the word “luxury.” When they say, “She was born with a silver spoon” -you know that means some serious wealth.

Sterling silver continues this opulent tradition with some of the finest jewelry available today. It’s 92.5% pure silver, and 7.5% allow materials -usually copper.

Sterling silver isn’t just a bargain alternative to white gold. Nor is it relegated to earrings only. Renowned for its beauty and malleability, sterling silver can be used for an array of your favorite everyday accessories.

While many of us like sterling silver for earrings, it’s just as popular in the most fashionable rings and bracelets. If you’re considering sterling silver jewelry for your next purchase, here are five reasons that make it an outstanding choice.

Extremely Popular

Sometimes gold is just too much. It can be overstated, like a flashy sports car, which is why sterling silver has been resurfacing as a popular alternative material for jewelry. It’s always been a comfortable, flexible metal, and while the styles are updated, the sheer timelessness of sterling silver can never be outdone. If you purchase sterling silver jewelry today, you can rest assured your purchase will remain popular for years to come.

Sterling Silver Durable

Sterling silver will last for generations. The material is so durable that, half a century from now, you can expect your sterling silver to look the same as the day you purchased it. The key to maintaining the finest-looking piece for the longest time is ensuring that you’re working with a reputable dealer. Be certain to check the inside of your jewelry piece for the number 925. Together, these numbers confirm that 92.5% of the jewelry is compose of silver.

Hypoallergenic Qualities

Many of us struggle with allergic reactions to materials like brass which can lead to unpleasant irritations of the skin. Those with sensitive skin will assuredly have this experience at some point. After wearing brass, it’s not uncommon to experience a breakout in hives or observe a rash along the skin. With sterling silver, you can avoid this kind of discomfort and feel confident wearing your jewelry for extended periods.

Simple to Maintain

Sterling is easy to take care of. The only real consideration to maintaining sterling silver is tarnishing. If your sterling jewelry is left unworn for a time, it will tarnish because your natural oils protect it from dulling. If you notice tarnishing on your unworn jewelry, simply apply some dedicated silver polish, and you’re all set.


There’s a wide array of sterling silver jewelry available, so expanding your collection makes for an easy task. Perhaps you want to start small and build up into some expensive selections that allow you to make a statement. No matter what your objective, sterling silver goes with just about everything. You can upgrade your collection in no time.

For centuries, sterling silver has proven to be a profoundly durable and luxurious material, producing some of the world’s most eclectic jewelry. Whether you’re looking for an alternative to other fine metals, such as brass or gold, you can’t go wrong with sterling -it goes with just about everything!

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