Essential Things Your Culver City Dentist Want You to Know
Health & Wellness

Essential Things Your Culver City Dentist Want You to Know

Dentists are doctors who have poured out years of schooling to arm themselves with enough skill and knowledge to diagnose dental conditions so that proper treatment may be administered to their patients. With all the things dentists have learned from rigorous training and studying, they can almost certainly perform their tasks with excellence. On that note, your trusted Culver City dentist is the right person who can help you deal with whatever dental problem or concern you may have.

What Your Culver Dentist Can Do

Your Culver City dentist can help you with the following:

  •  General Dentistry
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Restorative Dentistry
  • Kids Dentistry
  • Family Dentistry
  • Braces Installation and Maintenance
  • Tooth Extraction
  • Dentures (Partial and Full)
  • Root Canal Treatment
  • Porcelain Dental Veneers
  • Porcelain Dental Crowns
  • Gum Treatment
  • Dental Fillings
  • Emergency Dental Exam

These services are categorized into three: Preventive, Corrective, and Therapeutic. 

Preventive Services

This includes dental services that are preventive in nature. Culver residents seeking preventive services are not necessarily facing dental problems, but they decide to undergo a dental care routine to prevent dental diseases and maintain good oral health. What are these?

  • Dental Sealants, where a resin material is applied on top of the fissure and deep occlusal grooves on the teeth. The sealing is done so that any bacteria cannot easily penetrate the teeth. 
  • Oral Prophylaxis, where calcular deposits and adherent plaque are removed through cleaning, tooth surface planning, and scaling. 
  • Topical Fluoride Application, where fluoride is applied on the teeth and gums to strengthen the teeth’s hard tissues. This process, like dental sealing, also prevents bacteria from penetrating. 

Corrective Services

Under the corrective category, services are performed not necessarily to address dental diseases but, rather, to enhance the teeth’s aesthetic look – from being oddly shaped, erupted, or discolored. These include:

  • Dental Implants, Dentures, and Crowns, where the lost tooth is replaced with prosthetics as a means to maintain the beauty and address anatomy. 
  • Dental Veneers and Lumineers, where the front teeth are covered with prosthetic beautifications like porcelain shells to conceal the imperfections pertaining to size and color. 
  • Orthodontics, where techniques are carried out to correct alignment and occlusion issues that patients possess when smiling. 
  • Teeth Whitening, where treatments to lighten and brighten the shade and color of the teeth, are administered. 

Therapeutic Services

Therapeutic services play a vital role in addressing dental diseases. These aim to treat conditions that may have caused any oral pain. Since humans are reactive in nature, among the three categories, therapeutic ones are responsible for the majority of dental clinic visits. The services include:

  • Dental Fillings, where dental decay is removed, prepared, and treated through cavity filling. 
  • Dental Surgery, which entails surgeries to treat jaw fractures and eradicate pathology, thereby restoring oral health. 
  • Periodontal Treatment, where gum disease is being studied and treated extensively after it has compromised the gums, teeth, and bones of the patient.
  • Pulp Therapy, where a non-restorable tooth treated through dental filling, is extirpated, and the pulp tissue is removed to prevent future problems. 
  • TMJ Treatment, where the Temporomandibular Joint that facilitates jaw movement, is treated for paralyzing discomfort and pain.
  • Tooth Extraction, where a tooth is removed or extracted from its bony socket because of periodontal disease, dental trauma, or tooth decay that makes the tooth impossible to restore.

Dental experts have always emphasized the importance of regular dental checkups to keep the gums and teeth healthy. As per the latest study, regular means at least visiting your Culver City dentist once every six months unless throbbing or emergency dental problems occur. 

What takes place during your visit to your Culver City dentist?

A regular visit takes place either for a regular or general check-up or for other therapeutic and corrective services. 

After the interview and once you are all set on your dental chair, the first thing your dentist will do is check where there are cavities either through visual scanning or through x-ray. The exam will likewise entail a plaque or tartar check. 

Once the plaque or tartars are removed off the teeth, your dentist will check your gums next using a special tool to gauge the space depth between your gums and teeth. If these spaces are shallow, it is a clear indication that you have healthy gums. 

Moreover, during the checkup, your dentist might also carry out a thorough examination of your throat, tongue, face, neck, and head to check for any trouble signs such as redness, swelling, or possible cancer indications. 

Most dental services come with complimentary teeth cleaning service to brush and floss the plaque out of your teeth. Your dentist will usually utilize special tools for tartar removal; such a process is officially called scaling. 

Once the teeth are scaled, teeth polishing may come next, depending on your preference or request. Not only this enhances the aesthetic part, but it also removes teeth stains that may have dimmed your teeth. And then, the procedure ends with dental flossing to ensure that every space is left clean. 

The After Care – Your Part as the Patient

As you are recommended to visit your dentist only once a month unless emergencies take place, doing your part is necessary to sustain your oral health. This means you have to take care of your gums and teeth all the time to keep plaques and tartar from forming. You can maintain good oral hygiene at home by:

    1. Brushing your teeth with a toothpaste that has fluoride content at least twice a day. 
    2. Flossing as necessary, daily. 
    3. Using a mouthwash to help eliminate plaque bacteria and keep your breath fresh. 

To sum it all up

#1: Visiting your Culver City dentist on a regular visit is vital to keep your oral health intact.

#2: Your regular dental visit has two parts – the check-up, and the treatment or cleaning. 

#3: Your dentist will check your overall oral condition during the check-up phase.

#4: During the cleaning phase, your dentist will remove your teeth imperfections. 

#5: A visit to your dentist once every six months or twice a year is highly recommended. 

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