Healthy Skin Cells
Beauty Fashion Lifestyle

Proper diet to keep your skin healthy and happy

While assaying the effect of food on skin wrinkling, a scientific analysis comprehended that “the old aged persons who had a routine of having higher intake of vegetables, legumes, monounsaturated fat, and olive oil along with lower intake of butter, margarine, sugar, and dairy products found to had less skin wrinkling in a sun-exposed site.”

You can see a significant association between skin health and nutrition, comprising all of its potential aspects, from beauty to its integrity and even the aging process. The idiom “You are what you eat” fits perfectly in this scenario because your skin is the mirror of your health, and your health is what you eat.

healthy glowing skinSo, why delay so much, bring a change in your erroneous diet and make a way to get healthy glowing skin.

Follow these and get healthy skin

1. Detoxifying tonic

2. Soaked almonds

3. Milk and apple

4. Healthy breakfast

5. Well balanced lunch

6. Evening snacks are essential

7. Nutritious dinner

8. Water recipes

Detoxifying tonic: Your wake up morning drink!

What is better than a drink for complete detoxification to start the morning with?

Along with the removal of toxins from the kidneys, improving the digestive system, weight management, enriching body with antioxidants, this tonic also helps to rejuvenate the skin cells resulting in perfectly glowing skin.

Detoxifying tonic

So, why not to start a morning with this healthy tonic. This tonic generally is the mixture of lemon+honey+hot water, but you can also add apple cider vinegar instead of lemon.

How to prepare morning detoxifying drink?

  • Warm the adequate quantity of water.
  • Pour it in a glass and add one teaspoon of honey in it.
  • Afterwards, add one to two tablespoons of lemon or apple cider vinegar, mix it properly.
  • Your detoxifying drink is ready.

Drink this every day and see an amazing change in your skin, you will find a new you after a while.

Soaked almonds: Starters of the day!

Many of you might have the habit of eating soaked almonds in the morning to keep the mind and body healthy. But do you know this habit is also good for your skin?

Soaked almonds

Being rich in omega fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, almonds help to repair the damage cells, improve regeneration of new cells, amend skin tone, and regain lost glow.

Milk and apple: A glowing skin recipe!

This combination works best to dispense healthy radiant and satin-soft skin. Both being rich in dietary fiber, calcium, potassium, and high-quality proteins, thus rejuvenates skin cells and collagen.

Milk and appleYou can have one glass of milk with a whole apple as a breakfast.

Healthy breakfast

Eating healthy three times a day helps you to get resilient skin.

The first is breakfast. It should be healthy because this is the time when you need to fuel your body for whole day work.

Healthy breakfastYou can also make the milk+apple recipe as your breakfast, otherwise have some portion of foods along with this combination. These could be whole grain bread, cereals, oats, flattened rice or cracked wheat. You can also have chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and flax seeds.

Well balanced lunch: A complete meal!

It is the time to give your skin the whole nutrition, so try to include rainbow-colored vegetables at this time of the day in routine.

Well balanced lunchAll types of vegetables, for instance, green vegetables (kale, spinach, and peas), colored vegetables (sweet potatoes, red or yellow bell peppers, carrots, pumpkin, and crucified vegetables (cauliflower and broccoli) should be included in your lunch.

Except for vegetables, also add tomatoes, beans, brown rice, whole wheat, yogurt, spices (turmeric, garlic, cinnamon, and ginger, etc.)

Make a plan as per your convenience and add these items to your plate during lunchtime. You will surely see a change in your skin texture and appearance.

Evening snacks are essential!

Evening time is the best time when you can go for the recipes that create a significant difference to make your skin flawless and fabulous. Henceforth, whenever you feel a little hungry, go for smoothies and fruits that are best for your skin.

How to prepare the best smoothies for glowing skin?

Smoothies are the liquid recipes comprising the blend of fruits, vegetables, spices, and seeds. Therefore, these smoothies are very nutritious. Let’s explore some of the recipes that are the best for your skin health.

Vitamin C smoothie

Vitamin C is a boon for the skin. Its antioxidant, depigmenting, anti-inflammatory and collagen-boosting properties are proven to make skin even-toned, supple, wrinkle-free, and young. That is the reason, the dermatologists recommend vitamin C serum, for glowing and supple skin. Topical application of vitamin C serum is the best for your skincare regimen, and for internal health, you can get vitamin C from fruits and smoothies.

Vitamin C smoothieThis vitamin C smoothie contains three best sources of vitamin C: orange, grapefruit, and bell pepper.

How to make vitamin C smoothie for glowing skin?


  • Two peeled oranges
  • Half large red bell pepper
  • One large peeled red grapefruit
  • Half cup of water and Ice (optional)

Pour all the ingredients in a blender and make its puree. Now add water and mix it well. Your smoothie is ready now.

Mishmash Smoothie

This smoothie is a mixture of various healthy edible ingredients which are banana, green tea, raw walnuts, and kale leaves.

Mishmash SmoothieBanana is a rich source of vitamin A, C, E, dietary fibers, potassium, and antioxidants. Green tea is also a rich source of antioxidants. On the other hand, kale is also embedded with lots of vitamins and antioxidants. All together helps to reduce inflammation, breakouts, and rejuvenates dull, aging skin.

How to make the best smoothie for skincare?


  • Two frozen bananas
  • Five kale leaves
  • Two cups cooled green tea
  • One fourth cup raw walnut
  • Honey for taste

Method of preparation:

Pour all the ingredients in a blender and prepare your smoothie simply by blending these.

Besides these smoothies, you can also have fruits like oranges, kiwi, grapefruit, strawberries, papaya, lemon, banana, and pomegranate.

Now you know what you have for an evening snack.

Nutritious dinner, light and healthy!

Dinner is also important. Don’t think to skip it and try to have it till 8, because dinner after this can exert adverse effects on your health.

What is the best dinner for glowing skin?

Nutritious dinner - SkinKeep dinner light. Try to include green salads, foods rich in proteins like lentil, beans, sprouts, tofu, chicken, broccoli, winter squash, whole grains. Choose anything from these things but make sure the dish you make, keep that light. For instance, prefer lentil soup over its fried version, boiled vegetables, and sprouts salad. This way, you will get adequate nutrients to repair your skin for the whole night.

Water recipes: Skin tonic for the day!

Finally, yet importantly, water recipes work as a cherry on the cake. Because drinking water infused with various herbs and fruits provides your body not only hydration but also the richness of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. So, you must try this if you want to get healthy skin.

Vitamin C water recipe

As mention earlier, vitamin C is considered as the best of the vitamins for skincare. So, why not to infuse water with this skincare vitamin.

Water recipes - SkinTake a half lemon, half orange, 5 to 6 fresh mint leaves, one-inch ginger piece, and one-piece pineapple. Add these things in a bottle of water and keep this for the whole night. In the morning, strain the water and drink the water.

Red water recipe

This water recipe is embedded with tons of antioxidants, which significantly improves skin health by reducing puffiness, dullness, and rejuvenating damaged skin cells.

Red water recipe - SkinFor this, take three tablespoons of pomegranate and a handful of raspberries. Put these in a jar and fill it with water. Mix a bit, and it’s ready to drink it.

These eight tips about diet can change in your skin complexion and appearance. These changed habits rejuvenate your skin cells, improves collagen production, and make skin young and resilient. Just adapt all these habits, and you are ready to enjoy beautiful healthy skin.

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