Diabetes Medication with Savings Card
Health & Wellness

Living Healthy with Diabetes: Diabetes Medication with Savings Card

Your health can be impacted by your genetic makeup, age, and even your family history of diabetes. This cannot be controlled. However, you can take steps to attain full health, adding wonderful years to your life even if you have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Diabetes can be managed by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Your blood cholesterol, critical health numbers, weight, blood sugar, blood pressure can be helped improved. So get smart about your food intake and your lifestyle. Not only will you have managed blood sugar, but you will also lessen your chance of having a stroke and heart attack.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Plan your healthy meal choices. Measure your meal and snacks. Eat small portions of healthy fats like avocado or nuts. A rule of thumb is to fill half of your plate with vegetables: spinach, lettuce, or carrots. These vegetables are known to be non-starchy.

The other half of your plate can be whole grains or starches, sweet potatoes, or lean protein such as skinless chicken. One easy way to measure your food serving, for instance, use the size of your palm. You can also measure a cup of salad or casserole as the size of your fist.

Keep Track of Your Medicine

You may be prescribed a pill or insulin for your diabetes or other conditions. Keeping track can be tedious. Get organized and keep an updated list of your prescribed or non-prescribed medicine, and any dietary supplements like vitamins, and sometimes herbal medicine.

Take all your medicines as your doctor prescribed. It is better to use one pharmacy to supply all your prescriptions if possible. A coupon for Trulicity is one of the many resources committed to helping ensure the availability and affordability of diabetes medicines.

Keep Track of Your MedicineSafe Exercise

If you are inactive right now, start slowly. Do warm-ups, stretch, and cool down to prevent injuries. If you have other medical conditions or complications, consult your doctor first before you begin with your activity. Your doctor can suggest what kind of activity is safe for you.

You can begin exercising for 10 minutes at a low intensity. Walking is a good way to start. Then add a few minutes daily until you reach your goal. Just make sure that you are able to talk while exercising to ensure that you are not working too hard. If you have trouble walking, try chair exercise, or use a stationary bike. You can stay active if you find enjoyable ways to workout. You can ask a workout buddy for more motivation.


If you or your loved one are at risk for developing diabetes, encourage them to have a healthy diet and a balanced lifestyle. There are also options to help make medication more affordable, to help keep you on track with your prescriptions. Becoming a healthier you while diagnosed with diabetes isn’t as difficult as you think if you carefully follow basic healthy living options that are available and possible.

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