A Burning Question That Needs Answers
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A Burning Question That Needs Answers

Urinary tract infections are like a dirty little secret. Though both men and women suffer from UTIs, they are often left out of “polite” conversation. But the truth is, UTIs are the most common of all bacterial infections in the U.S. – affecting 50 to 60 percent of women – and they are deadly if not treated early.

Deadly? What about antibiotics? Antibiotics are no longer the “silver bullet” that cures UTIs with a single prescription. Because they have been overprescribed by doctors, the E Coli bacteria that causes UTIs, have learned how to outsmart the drugs by hiding in our urinary system and multiplying. Once the drugs are no longer present, these bacteria re-emerge and grow more virulent, causing over 3 million people to end up in the hospital with over 35,000 related deaths each year.

What about antibioticsThe CDC has called “antibiotic resistance” one of the biggest public health challenges of our time. That’s because there are no new antibiotics on the horizon to overcome these superbugs. Read more on this threat here.

And yet, there is a solution which is helping thousands of women today that the U.S. medical community has ignored for too long, but which European countries have been using for decades.

It is a natural dietary supplement known as D-Mannose which has been proven in clinical studies to work as well as antibiotics to treat and prevent this type of bacterial infection without the detrimental side effects. Read more about how a “vitamin” can literally clear up an infection here.

natural dietary supplementThis all-natural formulation is a rare sugar extracted from fruits that works to fortify the system against E-Coli bacteria, which represent 80%-90% of all UTIs. And D-Mannose is safe for both pregnant moms and diabetics.

Urologists and gynecologists are now recommending D-Mannose as the first line of defense for the uncomfortable burning, stinging feeling which often accompanies UTI onset.

Taken daily, D-Mannose will quickly relieve active UTI symptoms and keep them from coming back.

So, the next time you resist the urge to bring up the subject, remember that it is important that we stop “not talking about them” and get clear on how to fight back, naturally.

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