what your dining table style says about your lifestyle
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What Your Dining Table Style Says About Your Lifestyle

Your house is mirroring your identity. And how you adorn it reflects your values, interests, and tastes. For instance, farmhouse-style decor indicates an interest in staying current with trends, whereas high-end appliances show a love for cooking and an appreciation for the outcome. But what about your dining table and chairs? Did you choose it simply because it was on sale? Or did you thoughtfully select a piece that complements the overall feel of the room? Continue reading to discover what your dining table says about the person you are.

The Classic Traditionalist Style

It has 4 legs, a somewhat flat surface, and likely a piece of cardboard wedged under one of the legs to prevent wobbling. Simple in appearance and lacking in ornamentation, it’s fair to say that you aren’t particularly passionate about interiors. You usually stick to safe choices when it comes to fashion – opting for blacks, whites, and greys in uncomplicated styles. When shopping, your top concerns are functionality and staying within your budget.

The Minimalist Modernist Style

You are a sucker for sleek design, basic forms, and minimalistic spaces. Frequently incorporating glass, metal, and marble, you appreciate the luxuries in life. Typically, you make fewer purchases, but when you do, you opt for higher-quality furniture. You would prefer to invest in a dining table and dining chair that will last and update the decor regularly with changing trends.

The Cosy Scandinavian Style

Simplicity, functionality, and a deep connection to nature are the features that matter to you. You also admire the attractiveness of light, earthy tones, and simple design elements. Preservation of the environment is a top priority for you, and you prefer to purchase eco-friendly products whenever possible.

The Glamorous Socialite Style

You are familiar with being in the spotlight. Glamour involves extravagance, richness, and creating an impression that draws attention everywhere you go. Without a doubt, you appreciate the finer things in life. You are sociable, extroverted, and an ideal host for a dinner party. You are willing to spend a considerable amount on interiors, always ready to create a sense of luxury.

The Rustic Naturalist Style

Chances are high that you were born in the wrong decade and tend to prefer items that draw inspiration from the past. Your reputation stems from your love of vibrant hues, unique forms, and nostalgic references. You are extremely creative and adept at blending diverse pieces like a skilled interior designer! Your home is full of conversation starters and guests are consistently intrigued by the uniqueness of your treasures.

The Timeless Vintage Style

You possess a strong interest in history and safeguarding the past. Antique items captivate you, serving as portals to past times and cultures. You’re drawn to intricate craftsmanship and ornate designs, embracing a “more is more” philosophy in your aesthetic choices. Usually, you lean towards maximalism and prefer to showcase your trinkets and treasures. Guests in your house experience a feeling of warmth and friendliness, which comes from your preference for warm colour tones.

Concluding Thoughts

Your dining table is more than just a useful furniture item – it mirrors your character, preferences, and principles. Those big investment purchases say a lot about our identity and preferences. Next time you’re in the market for a dining table, think about the message it sends about your personality- so you can make an informed decision.


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