7 myths about acne debunked

7 Myths About Acne, Debunked

Suffering from acne is never fun. If you have acne, you likely have been given many suggestions from friends and family on how to treat it. You’ve probably tried every trick in the book to clear up your blemishes. But are you basing your techniques off myths or truth?

Growing up, you likely thought that acne ends when you turn 20. Maybe your mom told you that sitting in the sun will clear up your pimples. Or your grandma told you to stop eating so much fried food. Regardless of the advice, you’ve probably received some misinformation. Read this article to debunk seven acne myths.

1. One Size Fits All

As with most things, one size does not in fact fit all when it comes to acne treatment. Your skin is unique to you. Odds are a standard treatment isn’t going to cure your acne. While some individuals with acne prone skin can benefit from one treatment, others may not benefit from the same.

Getting an acne prescription online can offer you a customized treatment. Patients can work directly with a medical provider during a virtual consultation. Then providers can prescribe the appropriate medications. Then, a short time later, your new acne treatment can show up on your doorstep or at a local pharmacy. It’s simple and effective.

2. Only Teens Get Acne

While teenagers are more likely to get acne, that doesn’t mean adults can’t get it too. Showing up to work in your mid 30’s with a pimple on your face can feel embarrassing. The disappointment when you look in the mirror to find a fresh zit is palpable. The good news?

You’re not alone. In fact, acne in adults is pretty common. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, acne affects nearly 50 million Americans each year. Many factors besides age contribute to adult-onset acne. These factors include hormones, family history, and clogged pores.

3. It’s Okay to Pop Your Pimples

While popping your pimples can provide temporary relief, it may not actually clear up your skin any quicker. In fact, picking at your blemishes can create issues long-term. Things like scarring and discoloration will leave marks that are often irreversible. Not to mention, you’re just spreading more bacteria by picking your skin.

Instead of squeezing your white head, try using a salicylic acid patch. These patches come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Wear them to bed or channel your inner Justin Bieber and wear them in public. Even though this option is pricier than pimple popping, it is sure to dry up acne in a safer way.

4. UV-Rays Improve Your Skin

Have you ever spent a week at the beach and returned home with clearer skin? And, maybe a few extra freckles. You’ve probably thanked the sun for your glowing skin. However, it’s not quite that simple.

Yes, the sun has proven to reduce inflammation in the skin. Unfortunately, that’s usually only temporary. Sun overexposure can actually end up leading to long-term skin damage or even skin cancers. Instead of soaking up UVs on your face, be sure to guard this sensitive skin with sunscreen and a hat.

5. Dry Skin is Less Acne-Prone

Many people believe that washing your face more will dry out your acne. However, this will only irritate your skin. Especially if you are using a harsh cleanser. Washing your face two times a day with a gentle cleanser is sufficient.

Truth be told, your skin will thank you for using a quality moisturizer instead of drying it out. When your face is dry, your skin produces more oil. This additional oil can clog your pores and cause breakouts. Instead of avoiding moisture, utilize it to calm your irritated skin.

6. Makeup Worsens Acne

There’s a common misconception that if you want clear skin, you can’t wear makeup. It’s true that sleeping in your makeup or wearing cheaply made products can contribute to acne. However, there are a lot of great, clean products on the market now. Some stores even have a clean beauty label. These labels usually mean that the products are formulated without a long list of ingredients like phthalates, parabens, and sulfates.

Clean makeup products may also be called “green” or “organic.” These items are often vegan and safe for the planet and your skin. Wearing makeup with skincare mixed in can promote healthier skin. Ingredients like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid will treat acne while helping you look flawless.

7. Foods Cause Breakouts

Myths about greasy foods causing acne are just that: myths. Yes, nutrition impacts your overall well-being. But greasy foods do not directly correlate to additional breakouts. High-inflammatory foods can contribute to additional inflammation in the body, which may lead to longer healing times for your acne.

However, your zit is not a result of your last cheeseburger. Eating anti-inflammatory foods and staying hydrated can aid in lowering the overall inflammation in your body. If you see a correlation with a specific food to your acne, it may be a result of a food intolerance. Be sure to check with your healthcare provider to further investigate.

It’s okay if you’ve been believing myths about acne treatment. With so many home remedies circling the internet, there are a lot to debunk. Whether you’re dealing with pimples or blackheads, don’t let the acne legends fool you. Here’s to treating acne with facts!

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