Impressive Career Options To Choose From
Entertainment Lifestyle

Impressive Career Options To Choose From

The day you step into school, you have undoubtedly been asked, “what do you want to be when you grow up? A doctor, a pilot, an engineer, or a teacher?” Every human being has probably answered it a million times, but did you notice something? As you grow older, you gain more knowledge and broaden your perspective. Most of us step out of the ‘typical’ career choice zones and end up choosing an unorthodox path. Every time you end up with something different until a day comes when you finally have to pick a direction to drive on.

For some students, having a college degree sets your mind to a direct path to a particular career; however, that is not the case for every individual. As mentioned, the future is pretty vague for these out of the ordinary individuals. You probably want to go to med school, but do not want to be a doctor. You probably want to go to law school but not necessarily be a lawyer. Your struggle to find that spark inside of you that instantly clicks as soon as you find your dream job. Decisions, decisions.

Picking the right career choice would save you from disappointment during job hunting. The market is getting competitive every single day with little job growth in every industry, which makes it essential to find the right growing career track. It is better to choose a less stressful job that pays good, has a reasonable growth rate, and is satisfying.

Lucky for you, in this era, there is a wide range of occupations to choose from, a lot of them you never thought ever existed. We have listed down some fantastic and highly paid occupations for you to choose from.

A forensic psychologist or Criminal Investigator

If all those Netflix crime serials, Nancy Drew, or Sherlock Holmes, fascinate you, then this is a kind of job you should consider. The two may sound similar, but in reality, they are two different fields connected to the same branch. Criminal justice and forensic psychology degree can lead you to an exciting career choice that involves solving crimes.

Forensic psychology is the study of the human psyche that helps you better understand the effect and cause of the crime. According to the BLS, the outlook of a forensic psychologist will grow by 14 percent by 2026. You get to examine victims and offenders as well as diagnose the mental health of the patients and what motivated them to commit that crime.

As for a criminal investigator, you get to be a detective. It is a far more specialized occupation than a police officer. You have to gather around facts, figures, and pieces of evidence to solve the crime.

The average salary for both these fields as per the BLS is around $62,960 per annum.

Air traffic controller

If you have this urge to work at a reputable position at the airport without having to fly all the time, being an air traffic controller will do you justice.

You get to sit in the control tower and monitor and direct the movement of the aircraft. While on the ground or in the air using a radar or any other visual references. You would be given the authority to provide the landing and takeoff instructions to the pilot as well as informing them about the air traffic. Baggage vehicles and airport workers are under your command as well.

The average income for an air traffic controller as per the BLS is around $124,540 per annum.

Dental Hygienist

The job of a dental hygienist is to clean the teeth, examine the patients for having any oral diseases such as gingivitis. It is their job to ensure preventive dental care. Isn’t this just a fancy name for a dentist? The answer is no. The two do work closely together; however, a dental hygienist focuses more on oral hygiene, whereas a dentist is in charge of supervising them.

The average salary for a dental hygienist as per the BLS is around $74,070 per annum.

Industrial Designers

Industrial design is an excellent fusion of engineering and art. The jobs involve creative and challenging tasks. As an industrial designer, you would have to develop the concept of various manufactured products, for example, cars, toys, or home appliances.

The average salary for an industrial designer as per the BLS is around $55,016 per annum.

Anesthesiologist assistant

You have probably seen this in the movies, too. Anesthesia is a gas given to the patient before an operation for him to fall asleep and numbs his body. This makes the process a lot less painful. To be an anesthesiologist assistant may seem like a piece of cake but is instead very risky since the life of the patient is at the radar. One wrong dose could cost a life.

An anesthesiologist assistant works side by side with professional and licensed anesthesiologists in a hospital. As an assistant, you would have to operate anesthesia equipment, monitor the patients, and provide anesthesia care.

The average salary for an Anesthesiologist assistant as per the BLS is around $136,571 per annum.

Cartographers and photogrammetrists

It is a Cartographer and photogrammetrist’s job to gather, measure, and explain the geographic information. This is done to update or create charts and maps for various reasons like emergency response, regional planning, interpretation of satellite imagery, pollution tracking, etc.

The average salary for a Cartographers and photogrammetrists as per the BLS is around $76,860 per annum.


There are many career choices out there, these are just a few, but it is vital for you to choose the right one that you are passionate about.

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